05 Jul

Vitamins and minerals are essential to human life and in regulating all metabolic processes (growth, energy production, reproduction, maintenance, health) within the body. Vitamins and minerals also protect tissues against damage. 

Many people may argue against eating brussel sprouts and broccoli, but they are necessary foods for good health. Today, the relationship between food and a healthy body is more important than ever due to the lack of nutrients found in the standard American diet. Making our high-quality, safe, whole food-based nutritional supplementation available to our patients is a great way to helping balance the body with the nutrients it needs for optimal functionality. 

Here at Wellness Huddle we provide an assortment of Standard Process, Mediherb and other products to help the body balance. 

To safeguard the vital nutrients in the ingredients our products utilize, a multi-tiered approach is used to ensure that supplements deliver their complex nutrients as nature intended.  The main goal of providing our patients with supplements is to provide NUTRIENTS that are as close as possible to how they are found in nature - nutrients that may be missing in our daily diets.

Standard Process also offers a 21-Day Purification program.

The Standard Process Purification Program helps your body purify and rebuild itself from the inside out . The program gives you a structured plan for purifying, nourishing, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Along with Standard Process supplements, you’ll support your major organ systems with the vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients found in whole foods. In addition, this program supports the maintenance of healthy weight when combined with a healthy lifestyle. When you’ve completed the 21-day purification program, you’ll be amazed at how good you find yourself feeling. You’ll learn how to transition to a new, healthful way of eating that will continue your journey toward a clearer, brighter, lighter way of life now and in the years ahead.

Interested in purchasing our supplements or have questions about Standard Process?

Give one of our offices a call!

Edon Office: 419-272-5209

Toledo Office: 419-419-1307

Today's Direction......Tomorrow's Destination

Article by Melody Nofziger: Freelance Social Media Marketer

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